Wednesday, April 30, 2014

120/365 : this poem is about money. it just seems like it's about sex.

good god, i want you.

i want you in my vagina.
i want you in my mouth.

i want you combing through my hair
with your unassuming fingers
that know how to choose
things that last.

i want you to buy me that pretty green dress.
i want you to feel my lips move slowly across you.

i want you to quiver.
i want you to shout, YES.

i want you to shake song out of your spirit and leave it on my doorstep.
i want you to walk when i'm treating you like shit.

i want to be so naked, so raw, so real and wild with you,
that you cringe and hiss every time you leave the bedroom.

i want you to know that i get you:
i get that you love to show up and praise

what's helpful
what's beautiful
what's love.

and i want you to know that i'm ready for you.
ready to tumble til i'm laugh-cry-dreaming with you.

because i finally get
that i am helpful, beautiful love.

i finally get
that i'm more than enough for you.

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