Sunday, June 1, 2014

152/365 : Out Of Love

my bedroom is a bliss cave
my body is a bat
turning words upside down
spitting the shrill sound of facts:

2 sisters in India, gang-raped
hanged from a tree
6 college kids in Cali
murdered in a spree

gone gruesome  

my bedroom was a casket 
my body was a corpse
these words were stuck in the crevices
of my cervix and worse
my heart was shroud with nesting
where nobody could thrive
holes hung straight through the middle
and like bullets, i let lies
hit hit hit ply ply ply
gather me like dead juicy flesh
eat me like they aced the test

our bedroom is a disgrace
and our bodies wear dirty clothes
we're wrapped in stories of disrespect
and we're walking around like nobody knows
what it's like to have a mother
stand before a father 
spit anger in his face
say, "no more! i will not be erased!"
what it's like to have a father
who does not erase a mother
what it's like to have a mother
who insists on her power

i want to be a sister who can
fall into a brother
cry fear into his arms
ask only for the strong hold of kin
to over-win the intimidation
of someone trying to own me

i want to have a brother
who will not cower
in the face
of burlier men

i want to depend on burly men 
who understand
that their greatest power
is always in their kindness

i want to depend on myself
to share the shrill and shameful truth
that i do not feel safe here
in this family
that i have pretended for far too long

i need a home where we all know
that the walls will not be laced with the shadows of lust
where we love bigger than creating monsters 
out of a scarcity of trust
where there's enough kindness to stop and speak softness
into the places where we've hardened
felt rejected, or just too much

i need a home where sensitivity is not too much
where we can barrel over and ball 
for a thousand unwanted thrusts
where we can look at each other and crawl
back to the beginning, like we must

i need a home of generous men
generous with curiosity 
generous carrying their weight
generous by adding gentleness to the fate
of our good family

i need a home of brazen women
that will roar and teem 
and not tame their grief
out of fear or cynicism 
who will show up
hurt and humble
or wise and powerful
and say we, we will dance this trauma out

i need to hear the bloody truth
i need to see us clean it up, together
i need to taste something better than
avoidance, blame or shame
i need to feel us claiming what we are worthy to claim:
love, in the face of a genocide of spirit
love, in the face of a quieted epidemic
love, in the face of a man with a gun
love, in the face of everyone beginning to shout
love, in the face of our doubt that we are smart enough to figure it out
love that gets down on its knees and begs us to do better

better for our babies 
better for their babies
better for seven generations of babies to come
may we make them 
out of love

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