Saturday, June 14, 2014

165/365 : No Time To Write How To's

I got no time to write how to's
I'm under the bridge getting kissed between my legs
I'm under the moon waxing nudity on you
I'm slipping into desirous lips, fingers swift against scalp
lungs howling around spine
How did you find? How did you find me?

I'm waiting under the street light
on the wet bench with my cool sit bones
thrown wide, side by side

I'm smelling my breath for kissability
I'm checking my heart for mutuality

I'm not sure
if I'm ready to go to the river with you

That was then
This is now

You didn't know I'd write you a poem
To reward you
For your commute

You knew it was the desirous thing to do
To jump in your car and come meet me
But you didn't know you could go
Off your desire
And not feel dire or doubtful

Or maybe you did
I don't know
I don't know you

I'd like to keep not knowing

Except maybe
side by side
Legs warm and cozying
the mystery

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